Tuesday, August 6, 2019

What Is Continental Shift??

Our planet has experienced several extinction events throughout its life. Each time, almost all the plants and animals were wiped out. Many theories have been put forward as to the cause.

The most likely culprit would be what I call cataclysmic continental shift.

This has occurred multiple times throughout earth's history. It's a naturally occurring phenomenon and is built-in as part of the inner workings of our ever-changing planet.

 If you want to know what causes them, read: Cataclysmic Continental Shifts: What Causes Them?

Most of our planet's history consists of long periods of relative calm, where the continents are almost static or drift very slowly as the tectonic plates spread apart in some areas and subduct in others. During these periods of calm, the forces that cause change in the landscape - erosion, mountain building, flooding, earthquakes, volcanism - are comparatively slow and insignificant. Insignificant compared to how drastically things change during a shift.

A shift occurs when the conditions are right, seismic activity increases and a critical point is reached. Then all hell breaks loose. The tectonic plates shift violently. The volcanic activity at the plate boundaries darken the skies and poison the seas. The earth's crust buckles, adding height to mountain ranges and creating new valleys. Continents partially sink and ocean floors rise - forcing ocean water and silt over the land masses. The mid-oceanic ridges grow rapidly in some places and parts of the contnental plates subduct violently in others. Polar ice caps break apart and add to the chaos.

The earthquakes, volcanism, toxic rain and widespread flooding kill the majority of our planet's species both in the oceans and on land. The plants and animals alive at the time might get caught in one of the massive silt-laden floods where they will be rapidly buried and eventually be preserved as fossils. Read: How Fossils Are Really Formed

These cataclysms probably last between a few months to several years before returning to normal and whatever life remains will quickly multiply, mutate and evolve into new variations of their group with specialized features to fill the various niches of the now empty ecosystem.

Learn more about how continental shift explains missing links and punctuated equilibrium by reading this post: Punctuated Equilibrium: What Causes It?

There is plenty of geological evidence of each and every one of these catastrophes. Our planet's surface is like an open book. For example, the various strata in the rocks and the worldwide upheavals that expose them is just one place to see the evidence of periodic cataclysms. Learn more about this concept by reading: Unconformities Are Clues to Cataclysmic Extinction Events.

The most recent one took place somewhere between  3000 BC and 10,000 BC and is associated in history with the great Deluge of Noah and the other flood myths of almost every culture on the planet.

It is the only worldwide shift that happened during human history. The rest occurred long before man was on the earth. Read: Science and Religion: Both Dating Methods Are Wrong

This is the catastrophe that caused the extinction of the "ice age" megafauna. Those are sarcastic quotes, by the way, because the "ice age" is one of the most misunderstood aspects of our planet's history. Read more about that in this post: The Last Ice Age Was Really Just the Ice Cap In a Different Position.

 The myth of Atlantis also stems from this same event. However, it wasn't just one mysterious continent that sunk. The pre-flood culture was world-wide and ALL the continents sank - later rising in different positions. Read more about it in this post: Atlantis Found: The Simple Answer Is the Best Answer. As well as the explanation of a global Atlantis culture in this post: Why Did the Pre-Flood Civilization Build Megalithic?

After the shift, landmasses which were previously habitable re-emerged
in the Arctic and Antarctic. The ice caps reformed in new positions.
During the most recent shift, the movement of all tectonic plates accelerated and shifted, but the most violent area of the planet was in the North Atlantic, which happened to be under the previous ice cap.

Compare the devastation of the 1980 eruption of Mt. Saint Helen, and it's melting ice cap, to how much worse it would have been in the northern parts of the western hemisphere. The Scablands of Washington state and and a similar dry falls in Iceland, called Asbyrgi Canyon, are both evidence of the devastation during that event.

The North American and Eurasian plates spread apart rapidly - adding a distance of thousands of miles between the two coasts that previously had not existed.

During this violent shift, the sea floors rose temporarily while the continents sunk. The flood waters and volcanic activity caused the polar ice cap to break apart with ice melt and drifting ice sheets adding to the chaos.

One body of evidence for this is that the mid-Atlantic ridge's lava fields are very young, geologically speaking. The silt on the ocean floor and along the foothills of the ridge are only about 100 meters thick where the seafloors in other areas of the planet have 1000s of meters of sediment. This would also make Iceland a brand new island, forming on the mid-Atlantic ridge within that last 10,000 years. (Again, the "proof" that geologists use to claim it's older is flawed - they force the evidence to fit their pre-conceived conclusions.)

Area where evidence of a comet strike has been found. But this could
instead be evidence of catastrophic volcanism at the mid-Atlantic ridge.

It's possible that a comet or meteor strike can trigger or exasperate a shift. But most of the time it doesn't need that impetus. Our planet will reach the point of no return on its own.

Some scientists believe a comet strike was the cause of the demise of pre-Egyptian (pre-flood) civilizations at what they call the Younger Dryas Boundary (YDB). This event coincides with the most recent shift. They believe Canada was ground zero for a meteor or comet strike.

That evidence includes impact spherules, nano diamonds, soot and high-temperature melt-glass. There is also a layer of iridium - the same evidence found at the K-T layer which is associated with the theory of an earlier comet strike that caused the pre-historic demise of the dinosaurs.

The jury is out on the comet because these same clues would be present after a super volcano's eruption. And the rifting apart of two tectonic plates would be considered a super duper volcano. You would expect to find the same evidence as a comet strike, and in the same area outlined in the image above because the most violent activity was between the North American and European plates.

I'm hesitant to accept the comet theory because I find the odds extremely high for two comets being the culprit of two back to back global extinction events. However, one aspect does make it seem plausible. And that is that these two separate extinction events - that of the dinosaurs and that of the "ice age" megafauna (or Noah's flood) - appear to be two of the biggest extinction events in our planet's history.

Maybe the addition of comets are what put them at the top of the list - making them many, many times worse than a simple continental shift.

This entire blog is dedicated to expanding this idea, so check out all of the posts. Including this one about when the next shift will occur: The Next Big Cataclysm - Is a Shift on the Way?

Alternate Map

Another possible view of the continents' positions, prior to the most recent shift. All the land
masses would have been further north. The previous North Pole would have been somewhere in
northern Greenland or Canada.  The ice cap would have extended into North America and Europe
with Siberia, Alaska and Antarctica being ice free. Source

D. S. Allan and J. B. Delair, Cataclysm!: Compelling Evidence of a Cosmic Catastrophe in 9500 B.C. (Santa Fe: Bear & Co., 1995)
Graham Hancock, Magicians of the Gods (New York, 2015)

Additional reading:

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Cataclysmic Continental Shifts: What Causes Them?

The continents before and after the second most recent shift.
Our planet has experienced several extinction events that have happened with such regularity that asteroids or comets can not be counted on as the culprit every time. It has to built-in as part of the inner workings of our ever-changing earth.

That mechanism is continental shift.

Our earth experiences long periods of calm, where the continents drift slowly or remain completely static.  The movement is kept tranquil because the earth's magnetic field keeps the magma in a semi-solid state. Why? Because the iron content in the magma link together to form a web that slows the liquid rock.

However, the magnetic poles come and go over time. During the times when the magnetic poles disappear the iron content in the magma unchain and it becomes more liquified and volatile.

You can understand this better, and have a little fun at the same time, by mixing iron filings with vegetable oil. The resulting mixture will be a viscous liquid until you hold a magnet to the container - then it becomes solid. If you get the mixture right, you can turn the container upside down and the fluid will not pour out - held in place by a matrix of iron filings stuck together by the magnetic field.

The same thing happens under our feet. When the geomagnetic field disappears, seismic activity increases until a point where the tectonic plates shift violently. The volcanic activity at the plate boundaries darken the skies and poison the seas. The earth's crust buckles, adding height to mountain ranges and creating new valleys.

Continents may sink and ocean floors may rise - causing widespread flooding. The earthquakes, volcanism, toxic rain and flooding kill the majority of our planet's species. They then become fossilized because of a rapid burial by the silt-laden floods.

Also, the magnetic field shields the planet from cosmic radiation. So during this period, higher levels of harmful radiation reach the Earth's surface and contribute to the devastation.

The increased movement of the cataclysm causes the geomagnetic field to spin back up to full force and slow, or stop, the movement of the plates again. These cataclysms probably last between a few months to several years.

The surviving plants and animals pioneer the new planet and begin to evolve rapidly to fill the now-empty ecological niches. Read more about how these events cause sporadic evolution or "punctuated equilibrium"- Read: Punctuated Equilibrium: What Causes It?

Earth is currently experiencing a weakening of the magnetic poles, plus their usual migration is changing direction and increasing in speed. The anomalies of the geomagnetic field are also increasing in size and number all around the planet. We could very well be entering a new era where our planet becomes more and more seismically volatile as we approach that point in the future when our planet will repeat this natural cycle and experience another great extinction event. Scientists claim that the magnetosphere cycles every 200 million years, but I believe it is closer to every 10,000 years. Read: Science and Religion: Both Dating Methods Are Wrong

Additional reading:
A study of The cliffs of Joggins – Part II
Geologic Evidences for the Genesis Flood
Noah’s Flood & CPT Part 1
Is There Evidence That A Global Flood In The Days of Noah Really Occurred?
What's Wrong with Earth's Magnetic Field? - The South Atlantic Anomaly

See also: Geology and Deep Time (strong evidence for a global flood) by Dr. Emil Silvestru
NOVA: Magnetic Pole Flip 530,000 Years Overdue & Happening Now?

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

How Fossils Are Really Formed

Did you have the same questions I did in science class when fossil formation was explained?

• Wouldn't animals decompose before getting buried?
• Aren't there decomposing agents at the bottom of a pond, too?
• Why don't fish that die today get fossilized?
• If the "dying near, and falling into a pond" scenario is so rare, why are there fossil beds with HUGE amounts of fossils?
• And why are they all jumbled together in bone graveyards?

Dinosaur National Monument - Vernal, UT
It turns out the textbook explanation is wrong. 

Fossils are actually formed by a cataclysmic event that includes widespread catastrophic flooding. The silt-laden flood water washes indiscriminate amounts of wildlife into an area where they collect and are buried immediately and deeply. Then time turns the sediment into rock and the animal remains are mineralized. The older the fossil, the more mineralization has generally occurred. That is why megafauna bones (victims of the most recent cataclysm) are more bone-like and show more detail than some of the older fossils, like dinosaurs, who were driven to extinction by a previous cataclysm. The oldest fossils, like trilobites, don't have much of any internal detail left.

Since these cataclysms are few and far between, then almost none of earth's record during the time in between cataclysms is fossilized. Hence the head scratching over punctuated equilibrium and missing links.

Catastrophes and the rapid burial of life explain why:
• many fossils are found together in beds
• so many are found in violently twisted shapes
• they are all jumbled up
• there is little sign of scavenging
• Many fossils are incomplete, dismembered
• fossils are a snapshot of a moment in time with non-existent "missing links."

So what we see in the fossil record is the preservation of the organisms that happened to be alive when one of several of extinction events took place. Which was a regular occurrence.

But it will take a long time for mainstream science to realize the obvious. They simply can't swallow the idea of cataclysms, because it makes the earth many, many times younger than they hope it to be. Because even 4.5 billion years is not enough time for everything around us to spring spontaneously out of nothing. The odds are impossibly high.

This dogmatic adherence to an unproven theory hasn't always been the norm. The scientific community used to entertain wide-ranging ideas and hypotheses before they got enamored by the theory of evolution. In 1688, Robert Hook said that we could use fossils to "raise a chronology . . . and to state the intervals of the times wherein such, or such catastrophes and mutations have happened."

And that is exactly what we can do today. To figure out how, read: Unconformities Are Clues to Cataclysmic Extinction Events

Additional reading:
Fossils Show Rapid and Catastrophic Burial
Is There Circular Logic in Fossil Dating?
SCIENCE WATCH; Man-Made Fossils
How to Make a Fossil: Part 1 – Fossilizing Bone
How to Make a Fossil: Part 2 – Dinosaur Mummies
and Other Soft Tissue
Is there evidence that the flood was global?
Creationism and Fossils
How does young earth creationism handle the evidence for millions of years in the fossil record?
Is Most Published Research Wrong?
Evidence that Noah's Flood Formed the Fossil Record - Dr. Kurt Wise (The Paleontology of the Flood)
John Reeves Stumbled Upon a Goldmine of Ice Age Fossils (Example of a huge deposit of bones)

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Punctuated Equilibrium: What Causes It?

Over the years, as more fossils have been unearthed, one glaring puzzle dominated the discussion.  And that is the absence of evolutionary links between the existing fossils. Not just THE missing link, but LOTS of missing links. One explanation has been "punctuated equilibrium" - which means there are periods of rapid appearances of new species (punctuation) followed by eons of no change (equilibrium). It caused a lot of debate mainly because the proponents,  Niles Eldredge and Stephen Jay Gould, did not provide a satisfactory cause.

But I propose there is a cause. Read on.

The cause of punctuated equilibrium is continental shift? (Read about what causes it here: Cataclysmic Continental Shifts: What Causes Them?)

In short, the fossil record only preserves the animals that are alive at the moment of a cataclysmic continental shift. Because the only life preserved are those that are rapidly buried by the widespread silt-laden floods associated with these periodic catastrophes. This is a record of the animal and plant life that lived at the end of the long periods of calm, where the continents drifted slowly, or remained static.

But then comes a time when the tectonic plates shift violently. The volcanic activity at the plate boundaries darken the skies and poison the seas. The earth's crust buckles, adding height to mountain ranges and creating new valleys.  Continents may sink and ocean floors may rise. The earthquakes, volcanism, toxic rain and widespread flooding kill the majority of our planet's species.

The surviving plants and animals pioneer the new planet and begin to evolve rapidly to fill the now-empty ecological niches. Lifeforms that are born with a mutation that are now better suited for a different niche than their parent stock, diverge from their parents and thrive to pass on that trait in that empty and available niche.

Adaptions work like the image on the left, not the right.
Many new species are born. However, once a niche is dominated by the most efficient species, this sporadic evolution or "punctuated equilibrium" stops.

Why? Because any new individual born with a mutation will die off prematurely because it cannot compete with well-established species in either their parent's niche or another one. Neither the successful or unsuccessful mutations are captured in the fossil record because when they die they are NOT buried rapidly and deeply. All trace of them disappears due to scavenging and decomposition. Fossils are only created during a cataclysm - local or global.

Beaks of the same finch adapted to the food in their niche.
Darwin observed this process of punctuated equilibrium on a small scale among the finches on the Galapagos islands. When the birds arrived on the islands, they had no competition for the various niches, so new species filled them rapidly - whereas the parent stock of finch on the South American mainland remained one species due to the continent already having a plethora of more efficient fauna competing for the niche that a new mutation would vie for.

Gould and Eldridge argued that rapid speciation best occurs in small and isolated populations and THAT is the key to rapid and diverse change. They hypothesized that it is the species as a whole that is the driving force for change, not the random mutation of individuals. What they didn't offer was what changed in the world to create small and isolated populations.

Well now you know.

The aftermath of a cataclysm is the epitome of small and isolated populations, soon to rapidly diversify and fill the many now-empty niches of the new ecosystem. A blank canvas for new lifeforms.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Unconformities Are Clues to Cataclysmic Extinction Events

The Grand Canyon is an open book with the history of our planet. But we hear two different interpretations of that book. In this post, I'm going to add a third. 
Evolutionists believe that each layer was laid down gradually over billions of years then carved out slowly over millions of years. Creationists say that every single layer was laid down, then immediately carved out in a matter of hours or days during the great biblical flood of Noah.
As usual, it is somewhere in between. 
The biblical flood was not the only cataclysm this planet has experienced. These recurring cataclysms are driven by continental shifts. They are regular events extending far back in time, well before the advent of man, and are a natural cycle of our living planet. (Read: Cataclysmic Continental Shifts: What Causes Them?)

Every so often the conditions are right for the tectonic plates to stop drifting (or cease to be static) and shift violently in a very short period of time. During which time the earth experiences volcanism, massive earthquakes and widespread flooding as part or all of a continent may sink while sea floors rise. The earth's crust buckles, adding height to mountain ranges and creating new valleys. The sediment from mega-floods wash over the land and rapidly deposit new layers of future sedimentary rock as the earth's crust bucks and jolts. Some events are large enough and long enough to witness multiple rounds of flooding from different directions, adding another layer on top of the first layer. Multiple thick layers could be laid down in a very short time, then solidify as sedimentary rock in the following centuries.

This is also why we see periodic extinction events (see table below) and an abundance of fossils. Every time this occurs the plants and animals get swept away and buried rapidly in mass graveyards - or fossil beds. These beds are a snapshot of the composition of life immediately preceding such a cataclysm. 

During the long periods in between cataclysms, fossils are almost never preserved and the evolutionary adaptations that occur are not preserved in stone. These stretches of missing fossils are what led to the theory of punctuated equilibrium.
The boundary lines between the strata of sedimentary rock have two variations. One has almost perfectly straight lines between each layer and others have wavy lines. Some of those straight lines are later distorted by folding or uplift but originally they were laid down in one cataclysmic event in a matter days, weeks, months or years - not millions of years. The wavy lines are called unconformities. They are long gaps in the timeline where the earth was relatively placid and the last layer of sediment was exposed for a long time to erosion or deformed by slow geological movement. The straight lines show no erosion, hence they were deposited one after the other in a relatively short period of time.
Source: Studyblue.com
These unconformities are the clues to the order and magnitude of these ecological disasters.
Source: Studyblue.com
Our planet has been very volatile throughout it's history so nothing is going to be simple to interpret. These cataclysms range from a global event, with continental shift and the accompanying massive flooding and multiple thick layers of sedimentary deposits, to localized events - including newly formed inland seas the eventually break through whatever barrier is holding it in place to wreak havoc downstream. Of the list of extinction events in the table below, the ones in bold type coincide with the biggest cataclysms, the ones that affected the entire planet, or nearly so.

There are many different kinds of unconformities. Here are explanations of the most common types.

Source: Studyblue.com
Angular unconformity
This is when the layers laid down in a previous cataclysm or two are lifted up and/or broken through a later episode of mountain building. This occurs from earthquakes either from the collision of two continental plates or other faulting in the earth's crust. This can also include many years of erosion before and/or after the uplift. A later episode of continental shift will deposit layers of sediment on top of these angled and deformed rocks.

This is where the layers laid down by a previous cataclysm are exposed to the elements for a long period of time and show evidence of erosion from wind and/or water. Then the next episode lays down another layer or more of sediment on top of that.

This where the underlying layers are igneous or metamorphic. In this case, the previous cataclysm did not include flooding in the area, only volcanic activity and lava deposits. Or from a long ago event that has finally been pushed up to the surface by mountain building activity. Then a new catastrophic event that includes flooding deposits layers of sediment on top of it.

You can learn more about additional unconformities here. (Unconformities - Wikipedia)  But the bottom line is they are all markers for the periods in between local or global cataclysms.

Let's get back to the Grand Canyon's open book and the third interpretation. The various strata of the canyon were deposited over a long period. Sometimes through the depositing of coastal and river delta sediments, and other times by episodes of cataclysmic shift. This can included major flooding that transfers sediment from one area to another. This happened long ago at the beginnings of the planet. Each cataclysm laid down one or more layers. There were at least 5 cataclysms during the build up of the Grand Canyon's layers.

1. Vishnu Basement Rocks: These are the oldest and are igneous/metamorphic rocks. They also show signs of uplift, so before the major sedimentary layers were deposited, this area was subjected to earthquakes and more volcanism rather than flooding.
2. The Grand Canyon Supergroup: multiple layers of sediment laid down by slow and rapid sedimentary action interspersed with cataclysms. They were later uplifted by the same volcanic/earthquake activity in the area that caused the Basement rocks.
3. The Tonto Group: This is the first of the more recent flooding events and periods of submersion by the sea that laid down three separate layers. From here on out, the seismic activity seems to have minimized since the intervening unconformities seem to be more related to erosion from wind and water in between episodes rather than uplift.
4. Temple Butte-Redwall-Surprise Canyon Group: These appear to have been deposited in the same episode or back to back episodes.
5. Supai through Kaibab Group: Again, these could have been deposited in one episode or back to back episodes. If it were one, it most likely was the Late Devonian extinction event. Because, remember, it is the sedimentary layers above the unconformity that preserve the life that lived during the period of calm demonstrated by the conformity found under a group. And the fossils in this group represent the eras before the late Devonian event.

These multiple layers that would someday be the Grand Canyon was left relatively undisturbed from the beginning of the Triassic period all the way down to the Quaternary period. It even survived the cataclysm that killed off the dinosaurs with little damage.

Then subsequent catastrophes proceeded to carve out the canyon during multiple events followed by long periods of slow erosion by wind, ice and water. The most recent event, the global flood of Noah, was the force behind carving out much of the final shape of the canyon. As the continents shifted, sank and rose again, massive amounts of water found the existing canyon its path of least resistance, as it made its way back to the sea. The water carved out the underlying shape, as the water cascaded down the canyon walls and rushed down the canyon.

However, more water was trapped by the new geography as an inland sea - upriver from the canyon. Later this water broke free of its natural dam and added to the general current shape. Read about a similar episode of post-Flood inland seas, but in Central Asia: The Jaredite Route to the Promised Land

The inland sea that covered a vast area to the east of the Grand Canyon eventually broke through it's barrier and carved the general shape of the canyon as we know it today - including the tell-tale signs of massive flooding: horseshoe shaped cliffs. The intervening years have heavily eroded the exposed rocks.

If you doubt that water can carve solid rock that quickly, you need to learn about the Missoula flooding that created the Scablands in the state of Washington. (Read: Randall Carlson and the Great Flood Enigma) There, the water carved out and carried away basalt, a much harder material than the sandstone of the Grand Canyon.

But I actually believe that the material was more like sand and less like stone at the time. It had not entirely petrified yet. We have to come to the terms that geologists don't understand 100% of the process of rock formation. Consider the "London Hammer." It is an 1800s hammer found embedded in "400 million year old" limestone. But don't get all carried away with notions of man living at the same time as primitive fishes and the first appearance of amphibians. The simpler solution is that a hammer was dropped in a riverbed that petrified in the last 100 years. And geologists mistakenly assigned the age of 400 million years to the rock. But rather than admit they dated the strata wrong, they label the hammer as an anomaly and ignore it. This is scientists' favorite past-time: marginalizing and burying evidence that would disprove their pet theories.

This canyon carving is similar to what happened, on a smaller scale, below Mount St. Helens. The eruption deposited tons of mud in the valley below, blocking the Toutle River and forming a lake. Later, that lake broke through and carved a deep canyon. If a drainage tunnel had not been dug to stabilize Spirit Lake, that lake would have made a similar breach, but on a larger scale. But even that is dwarfed by the inland sea that was unleashed on the northern Arizona area, carving the Grand Canyon many thousands of years ago.

Valles Marineris superimposed on USA

Further, let's look at Mars. The Valles Marineris is a canyon that is 4000 km (2500 mi) long and reaches depths of up to 7 km (4 mi). That is 4 times deeper than the Grand Canyon and long enough to stretch the entire length of the United States if it happened to be on our planet. Eons ago, Mars had an atmosphere and liquid water, yet it's short history of water and air isn't long enough to have produced that size of a canyon through slow erosion over time. It had to have been carved out in a massive Mars shaping event, or series of events.

Since the fossils deposited above an unconformity were alive during the time an unconformity is created, that means that the comet that left the worldwide K-T boundary may not have killed off the dinosaurs. Dinosaurs may have been extinct before the comet hit, since they K-T layer was laid down on top of the sediment that covered their bodies. However, if the comet happened to hit in the age of the dinosaurs when a continental shift was pending, it could have pushed the planet's tectonic plates, already primed for a shift, to accelerate. Then the cometary debris may have been held aloft in the atmosphere until after the cataclysmic shift had done its damage - killing and burying the dinosaurs with the debris - finally settling out of the sky on the newly formed ground to leave the K-T boundary. Either way, the K-T boundary would be just the icing on the cake of the dinosaur extinction layer cake below it.

Most unconformities are localized. What we need is a world wide survey of all know unconformities. We need a comprehensive catalog so we can look for matching unconformities over large areas. They would help us understand the extent of a given cataclysm. And if we find certain unconformities present everywhere, then those would be the fingerprints of those regularly occurring global catastrophes.

PeriodExtinctionDatePossible causes
QuaternaryHolocene extinctionc. 10,000 BCE — OngoingHumans[26]
Quaternary extinction event640,000,[citation needed] 74,000,[citation needed]and 13,000 years agoUnknown; may include climate changes and human overhunting[27][28]
NeogenePliocene–Pleistocene boundary extinction2 MaSupernova?[29][30] Eltanin impact?[31][32]
Middle Miocene disruption14.5 Maclimate change due to change of ocean circulation patterns and perhaps related to the Milankovitch cycles?.[33]
PaleogeneEocene–Oligocene extinction event33.9 MaPopigai impactor?[34]
CretaceousCretaceous–Paleogene extinction event66 MaChicxulub impactor;[35] Deccan Traps?
Cenomanian-Turonian boundary event94 MaCaribbean large igneous province[36]
Aptian extinction117 Ma
JurassicEnd-Jurassic (Tithonian) extinction145 Ma
Toarcian turnover183 MaKaroo-Ferrar Provinces[37]
TriassicTriassic–Jurassic extinction event201 MaCentral Atlantic magmatic province;[38] impactor
Carnian Pluvial Event230 MaWrangellia flood basalts[39]
PermianPermian–Triassic extinction event252 MaSiberian Traps;[40] Wilkes Land Crater[41];Anoxic event
End-Capitanian extinction event260 MaEmeishan Traps?[42]
Olson's Extinction270 Ma
CarboniferousCarboniferous rainforest collapse305 Ma
DevonianLate Devonian extinction375–360 MaViluy Traps[43]
SilurianLau event420 MaChanges in sea level and chemistry?[44]
Mulde event424 MaGlobal drop in sea level?[45]
Ireviken event428 MaDeep-ocean anoxia; Milankovitch cycles?[46]
OrdovicianOrdovician–Silurian extinction events450–440 MaGlobal cooling and sea level drop; Gamma-ray burst?[47]
CambrianCambrian–Ordovician extinction event488 Ma
Dresbachian extinction event502 Ma
End-Botomian extinction event517 Ma
PrecambrianEnd-Ediacaran extinction542 Ma
Great Oxygenation Event2400 MaRising oxygen levels in the atmosphere due to the development of photosynthesis