I feel strongly, that we are doing our children a disservice when we use pictures like this one to tell them Bible "stories." And too often, the accompanying stories read like a fairy tale. Then, does it surprise us when they grow up to think the Bible is nonsense?
Children are smarter than we give them credit. If we teach them doctrine and history from the Bible, they will get it. They don't need cute pictures, they have imaginations. Realistic images give them plenty to go from. For example, little boys fall in love with pictures of realistic looking dinosaurs. Not coloring books with Barney and Baby Bop.
Hopefully this outline of the nitty gritty details of Noah and the global flood will help you share the true histories in the Bible in a more realistic way. I try hard to avoid relying on belief suspending, physics defying speculations.
This post will answer questions like:
* Is there evidence in geology of a universal flood? Yes!
* Can the ark really hold enough animals? Yes!
* Can rain alone really flood the entire earth? No.
* Was the flood really global? Yes!
The details in the Bible make it clear there was more to the flood than "40 days of rain." The catastrophe included earthquakes, tsunamis, sinking continents and more. The pre-flood civilization was all but erased. Just a memory.

Noah continued to preach repentance and the Lord continually protected him from the attempts on his life. At one point the Lord said enough is enough and commanded him to stop preaching and to build the ark, giving him the exact instructions of how to do this. He also built it in a high mountain valley, far away from any ocean. Can you imagine how ridiculous that seemed to the wicked people who watched him build a large boat so far from the ocean?

And it is that much easier to fit all those types of animals when you realize they were all babies. Which would give them more years for offspring after the flood. Jewish tradition holds to this fact. And it also has a special place for those babies' parents, which I'll cover later.

The time came for Noah to close up the ark and seal it tight, because the deluge had begun. Not only was it raining buckets, but the continents were sinking and the sea floors were rising. Think about it. If the earth's crust were uniformly flat, our planet would be 100% ocean. Because, on average, the oceans are deeper than the continents are high.
So this should not be a stretch for the imagination. These devastating floods annihilated the cities along the coast and in the lower elevations. As the scriptures put it the "fountains of the great deep [were] broken up" (KJV) or "burst forth." (NIV)
Jubilees 5:24-25
And the Lord opened seven flood-gates of heaven, And the mouths of the fountains of the great deep, seven mouths in number. (fountains of the great deep = ocean basins)
And the flood-gates began to pour down water from the heaven forty days and forty nights, And the fountains of the deep also sent up waters, until the whole world was full of water. (emphasis added)
And the Lord opened seven flood-gates of heaven, And the mouths of the fountains of the great deep, seven mouths in number. (fountains of the great deep = ocean basins)
And the flood-gates began to pour down water from the heaven forty days and forty nights, And the fountains of the deep also sent up waters, until the whole world was full of water. (emphasis added)
The tectonic plates shifted violently during this catastrophe causing the continents to temporarily sink and the sea floors to rise. The "fountains of the great deep" truly did "burst forth" and wash away all life on land.
"And the flood was forty days upon the earth; and the waters increased, and bare up the ark, and it was lift up above the earth." Building the ark in a high mountain valley makes sense now. If Noah had been on the coast, his boat would have been destroyed like all the ships of the seafarers at the time.
Forty days was a long time for the flood waters to reach the ark and lift it up. If you ponder that for a while, you'll might ask yourself this question. "As the wicked people saw the devastation and the rising waters, what kept them from grabbing axes and breaking into the ark?" Did the Lord guard the way with a pillar of fire? Maybe.
But Jewish tradition holds to a different solution. The animal parents who accompanied their babies to the ark, stayed outside and guarded the way. The love for and instincts for protecting their young made for a fierce barrier for any ill-advised human to try and breach.
During the long voyage, the passengers on the ark had to keep the windows and doors shut. The ark rode out the turbulent waves like a submarine at times. Hebrew tradition explains how they managed to see. "The ark was illuminated by a precious stone, the light of which was more brilliant by night than by day, so enabling Noah to distinguish between day and night."
I find this idea very curious, because if you know anything about the brother of Jared in the Book of Mormon, you may have
asked yourself, "Where did he get the idea to bring stones for the Lord to touch and give them light in the barges he built to sail to his promised land?"
Well, this explains it.
Living so recently after the flood, it must have been common knowledge that Noah had an artificial light in the way of a glowing stone. So when the brother of Jared and his people were asked to endure a similar ordeal, (i.e. cross the ocean in a dark vessel) that was the first thing he thought of, since it had been done before.
The rain continued and the flood waters rose for a full two months, at which time the cataclysm began to subside and the continents and sea floors began to rebound. Jubilees 5 says, "the fountains of the great deep were closed and the flood-gates of heaven were restrained; and . . . all the mouths of the abysses of the earth were opened, and the water began to descend into the deep below." (abysses = ocean basins)

The flood waters covered the earth for five months, at which time, the ark rested on a mountain. But it took another three months before they could see the surrounding mountaintops emerge from the water, and another two before the earth had dried up enough to safely leave the ark. They were in that ark a full year and 10 days.
Today people are always drawn by the fanciful idea that the ark has been found in the Mountains of Ararat. However, why would we expect any trace of it to be left? I'm sure the people dismantled it and kept pieces of it as mementos. It was the Berlin Wall of their time. Besides, there is every indication that the ark didn't come to rest in those Turkish mountains anyway. Many corrected translations of Genesis 11:2 say that the people who settled Mesopotamia and decided to build the tower of Babel "journeyed from the east" based on the Hebrew for that passage implying the proposition "from" not "to." So it is more likely that the ark came to rest on an east Asian mountain such as one found in a range like the Himalayas, Karakoram or Hindu Kush.
The cataclysm reshaped the planet. Mountain ranges, which were roughly around 6000 feet tall throughout the world, had risen to the heights we see today, with many over 10,000 feet. The continents were in completely new positions relative to each other. Oceans had changed size.
Until the 1800s, geologists studied all the proof that the earth had suffered a devastating, cataclysmic global flood. But then science turned it's back, consciously, on God and reinvented this world in man's image.
Since then, any obvious evidence of the flood was ignored or explained away to make room for the new dogma - undirected, chance evolution. They began to preach that this beautiful, complex world and all its life sprung from bubbly primordial soup in only 5 billion years. Wow! Now that takes a great deal of "faith" to believe in that miracle. The biggest fairy tale of them all.
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It took a full forty days for the flood waters to reach where Noah had built the ark. |
Forty days was a long time for the flood waters to reach the ark and lift it up. If you ponder that for a while, you'll might ask yourself this question. "As the wicked people saw the devastation and the rising waters, what kept them from grabbing axes and breaking into the ark?" Did the Lord guard the way with a pillar of fire? Maybe.
But Jewish tradition holds to a different solution. The animal parents who accompanied their babies to the ark, stayed outside and guarded the way. The love for and instincts for protecting their young made for a fierce barrier for any ill-advised human to try and breach.
I find this idea very curious, because if you know anything about the brother of Jared in the Book of Mormon, you may have
asked yourself, "Where did he get the idea to bring stones for the Lord to touch and give them light in the barges he built to sail to his promised land?"
Well, this explains it.
Living so recently after the flood, it must have been common knowledge that Noah had an artificial light in the way of a glowing stone. So when the brother of Jared and his people were asked to endure a similar ordeal, (i.e. cross the ocean in a dark vessel) that was the first thing he thought of, since it had been done before.
The rain continued and the flood waters rose for a full two months, at which time the cataclysm began to subside and the continents and sea floors began to rebound. Jubilees 5 says, "the fountains of the great deep were closed and the flood-gates of heaven were restrained; and . . . all the mouths of the abysses of the earth were opened, and the water began to descend into the deep below." (abysses = ocean basins)
Can you picture the sea floors returning to their original state and the water rushing back into the deep?

The flood waters covered the earth for five months, at which time, the ark rested on a mountain. But it took another three months before they could see the surrounding mountaintops emerge from the water, and another two before the earth had dried up enough to safely leave the ark. They were in that ark a full year and 10 days.
Today people are always drawn by the fanciful idea that the ark has been found in the Mountains of Ararat. However, why would we expect any trace of it to be left? I'm sure the people dismantled it and kept pieces of it as mementos. It was the Berlin Wall of their time. Besides, there is every indication that the ark didn't come to rest in those Turkish mountains anyway. Many corrected translations of Genesis 11:2 say that the people who settled Mesopotamia and decided to build the tower of Babel "journeyed from the east" based on the Hebrew for that passage implying the proposition "from" not "to." So it is more likely that the ark came to rest on an east Asian mountain such as one found in a range like the Himalayas, Karakoram or Hindu Kush.

Until the 1800s, geologists studied all the proof that the earth had suffered a devastating, cataclysmic global flood. But then science turned it's back, consciously, on God and reinvented this world in man's image.
Since then, any obvious evidence of the flood was ignored or explained away to make room for the new dogma - undirected, chance evolution. They began to preach that this beautiful, complex world and all its life sprung from bubbly primordial soup in only 5 billion years. Wow! Now that takes a great deal of "faith" to believe in that miracle. The biggest fairy tale of them all.
So please, do your children and grandchildren a favor and STOP telling Bible "stories." Show the scriptures the respect they deserve and start sharing its "histories" instead.
Additional reading:
Where did the Brother of Jared Get the Idea of Shining Stones?
Additional reading:
Where did the Brother of Jared Get the Idea of Shining Stones?