Thursday, June 15, 2017

Why Did the Pre-Flood Civilization Build Megalithic?

Possible stone quarry now under water
There are structures around the world with megalithic masonry that have puzzled us for centuries. I'm specifically referring to the ones with giant stones that fit together without mortar so precisely that you can't slip anything between the blocks.

They have been attributed to the cultures in the regions where they are found, like the Egyptians or Incans. But mounting evidence is showing that they were built by a culture pre-dating them all.

The current trend is to believe that some super race had vanished 10,000 years ago, maybe wiped out by a comet.

Sacsahuayman, Cuzco, Peru

However, there is a much simpler explanation. These are the remnants of the buildings that survived the devastating global flood. The pre-flood civilization was destroyed, but some of their structures partially survived. (Read: Atlantis Was the Antediluvian Civilization.)

They had reached a level of proficiency in stonework unmatched today.  But the question is, "Why did they build that way?" It seems like such a difficult way to build.

The answer? They lived in a much more seismically volatile world than we do now. The earth increasingly becomes more violent in the centuries leading up to a cataclysmic continental shift. The Most Recent Cataclysm WAS Noah's Flood After All, so they learned that building with mortar was a waste of time. Those buildings tumbled to the ground, sometimes before they were finished.

Cuzco, Peru
So they learned to use gigantic stones, fitting them together with precision - like a jigsaw puzzle. And the more irregular shapes they used, the more they held together during the frequent earthquakes. They carved their stairways out of solid rock as well. This can be seen in Little Qenco, Peru where it is clear that the original structure has been destroyed by immense natural forces.

The mysterious "upside down stairs" near Sacsayhuamán, Peru also demonstrates that the ancient inhabitants' stairway that was carved in solid rock has been tossed aside like a child's toy.

Stairs carved in solid rock flipped upside down during the last cataclysm.
It is evident that these ancient inhabitants didn't just build large megalithic standalone buildings, but also built entire neighborhoods out of meticulously carved, gigantic rocks all carefully crafted together: buildings, stairs, footpaths and open areas.

They used the biggest and most irregularly shaped stones for the foundations of their most important buildings. The buildings on top have long since fallen down and their stones lost or re-used as building material by post-flood people, who sometimes built their cities right on top of those ruins.

Intact facing stones on Menkaure’s Pyramid in Giza
The Incas themselves, as chronicled by the Spaniards, never claimed the finest stonework to be theirs. The confirmed Incan stonework has gaps between the stones and obvious tool markings. They basically look like piles of rocks compared to the megalithic masonry.

The three best theories I've seen so far as to how the antediluvians were able to build this way are:

Round protrusions on finished stonework in Peru

THEORY ONE: They used heat to soften the stone. The joining edges of the stones where softened and molded to each other in the final stage rather than shaped with cutting tools. The evidence includes that the edges, where the stones meet, have a sheen that imply vitrification.

Also, the stone in the quarries have microfossils in them where the set stones do not, meaning the heat may have reduced them to fine crystalline structures. This is something that should be able to be duplicated with today's technology, so we should be able to test this theory if someone with the funds and the tools could try to soften and shape stone with heat.

They used irregular jigsaw-puzzle shapes  for economy. They would find the stone's natural weak planes and let it break in a less than perfect straight plane, they would then break the next piece off and use that as the interlocking married piece of stone.

Quarry with round protrusions on unquarried stone.
No stone was broken off and wasted in shaping them rectangular if it didn't naturally break that way. The added benefit would be that they end up with stone that already matches the neighboring block without too much shaping and finishing.

THEORY TWO: The stones are actually a type of concrete and they were formed on site. The protrusions that are on the sides where remnants of the cylindrical ties that held the forms in place.

They used ties of the same material as the poured polymer concrete so that when it set they were one piece instead of creating a hole where a metal tie is, like today's concrete foundations.  Rusting iron leaves a weak spot for the concrete to eventually break down.

Before/after: Protrusions on a rough stone that faces Menkaure's
pyramid before being dressed smooth as the stones on the left have.

The main arguments I see against this theory is that nobody has been able to make a type of polymer concrete remotely close to this. Also, in Peru there are quarries with stones that are still in place that have the same protrusions. (see photo above) It is more likely that they used these protusions to lever the stones into place then later removed them by dressing the stones smooth, like they did on Menkaure's pyramid in Egypt.

And if they ground up the quarried stone to make concrete and then reshape them, why are there large blocks along the wayside in between the quarry and the building site.

If they are just going to grind them up, why not do it at the quarry. Why transport these giant blocks at all.

Acid mine water is a natural occurrence during mining
THEORY THREE: They dressed the adjoining surfaces of the blocks with an acidic paste made from acid mine drainage. This softened the stone and made it easier to shape with stone tools, plus the weight of the upper block allowed the adjoining blocks to conform to each other. The sheen along the joints is witness to this chemical reaction.

To me, this is the most plausible theory. However, I still don’t see how the vertical joints were just as perfect as the horizontal joints without the aid of gravity drawing the stones together.

A glassy sheen appears around most of the joints.
The earliest Spanish chroniclers mention that the Incas used a gold or reddish mud as mortar on their stonework. So it appears that the Incas knew about this method and tried to imitate this art but fell way short, never perfecting this building method.

The Incas themselves attributed the megalithic architecture to a civilization pre-dating them and long since vanished.

The antediluvian culture was world-wide, because the continents were closer together - nearly a supercontinent. 

Immense platform in Baalbek, Lebanon that the Greeks built upon.
That would explain why you see the same style of stonework in Peru, Lebanon and Egypt today.

In conclusion, it appears that the people before the flood had attained a comfortable level of civilization world-wide. Think about it. If people lived to be more than 500 years old, you would expect the knowledge and experience gained would be put to good use. Including, solving how to make structures that would survive earthquakes.

In fact, the generations after the flood were so awed by what they found, a cult built up around the remnants. (Read: What Did Noah's Granddaughter Discover in Egypt?)

More and more people are looking to megalithic architecture as evidence that a great civilization preceded Sumer, Indus Valley and Egypt. But instead of looking to the obvious answer - the antediluvian people - they dream up all sorts of UFO theories.

The simple answer is usually the right answer.

Pre-Incan Stonework

Incan Stonework

Additional reading:
This is How They Built the Inca Stone Walls | Ancient Architects
On the reddish, glittery mud the Inca used for perfecting their stone masonry
Hanan Pacha vs. Uran Pacha at Sacsayhuaman, Peru
Uran Pacha: Ancient walls, made with perfect fitting stones
The Improbable Timeline of the Old Kingdom Mega-Pyramid Builders!

Graham Hancock, Magicians of the Gods (New York, 2015)

Saturday, June 10, 2017

The Most Recent Cataclysm WAS Noah's Flood After All

Slowly but surely, the tide is turning among mainstream scientists as they become more open to the idea that a comet struck North America roughly 10,000 years ago, putting an end to the "ice age." What they don't realize is that the evidence they are bringing to light is also providing proof of the global deluge of Noah's time. 
The direction of the striations in Europe and North America
point to an origin around Greenland - the previous ice cap.

However, this is not new evidence. It is just resurrecting the line of thinking held by the majority of geologists who lived roughly 200 years ago. Before Darwin stole away the hearts of scientists, the majority of geologists where considered "catastrophists." Why? Because the evidence overwhelmingly pointed to that fact. Almost everything written in the earth's rocks made it clear that a geologically recent catastrophe had shaped the land.

The evidence included striations in rocks (deep scratches made by rocks carried by glaciers or heavy flooding), all pointing in the same general direction over a huge portion of the earth. These striations generally occur in a northwest to southwest direction in Europe and north by northeast to south by southwest direction in North America. They were convinced they were caused by the intense flooding since glaciation couldn't account for everything they were looking at.
Erratics like this were ferried long distances during the flood
inside icebergs from the breakup of the previous ice cap.

Another bit of evidence were the large number of erratics throughout Europe and North America. These are large rocks that have been broken off and found hundreds if not thousands of miles from their origins. 

They originally thought that flood water washed them there, but now it is agreed that they were trapped inside ice during the polar cap's break up and floated the distances within icebergs to be deposited relatively unscathed in the most unusual places. Some in the middle of plains sitting wholly exposed after the ferrying icebergs came to rest, then melted. There are also many found in piles, where the bergs jammed up then melted, or along ridge tops where the bergs beached at the time when the valley below was filled with flood water.

Silt-laden flood waters washed wildlife violently into blind canyons and caves,
leaving fossil graveyards of jumbled and dismembered animals and plants.

More evidence came from sands and gravels burying lower flanks of entire mountain ranges or completely filling valleys. These deposits tend to be banked up against north or northwest facing mountains in Europe and north or northeast facing mountains in North America. Caves and fissures pointing those directions are also filled, sometimes with partially fossilized remnains of devastated plants and animals. The same thing happened to southwest facing caves in Australia. (Read: Naracoorte Caves May Hold World's Greatest Fossil Collection)

It was almost universally understood these were some of the many fingerprints left by a catastrophic global flood. But atheistic scientists have been systematically burying or reinterpreting this evidence to fit their dogmatic belief in chance evolution.

Was it really a comet?
Today's scientists detest the idea of cataclysms because it makes earth's age too young for their theories to fit. So they jump on any new find that makes the earth older and ignore those that make it seem young.  But more and more scientists are coming to terms with the mounting evidence of a global cataclysm at the end of the last "ice age." 

A carbon/iridium-rich layer immediately on top of the age of "ice
age" megafauna, similar to the K-T boundary associated with
the demise of the dinosaurs. Comet? Or super-volcanoes?
The consensus is shaping up to be a comet strike. However, the fallout from one or more super volcanoes as a result of a continental shift could also leave the same evidence as a comet. Evidence like rising sea levels, melting ice, world-wide carbon-rich layer and nanodiamonds to name a few.

Noah's Flood. Not a comet.

There are two reasons that people don't realize that the "comet" catastrophe and Noah's flood are one and the same. 

REASON ONE: People have it in their mind that it rained for 40 days and then the earth was flooded. And a comet is a fiery, percussive event. However, there was more to the global flood than 40 days of rain. Rain was the least of their worries. The continents sank and the sea floors rose and is described in the Bible as the "fountains of the great deep [were] broken up" (KJV) or "burst forth." (NIV) Josephus in his Antiquities 3:2 said, "[God] turned the dry land into sea; and thus were all these men destroyed: but Noah alone was saved."  

Consider these details found in the Book of Jubilees.

Jubilees 5:24-25
And the Lord opened seven flood-gates of heaven, And the mouths of the fountains of the great deep, seven mouths in number. (fountains of the great deep = ocean basins. Where there seven seas?)
And the flood-gates began to pour down water from the heaven forty days and forty nights, And the fountains of the deep also sent up waters, until the whole world was full of water. (emphasis added)

This caused widespread flooding as the oceans were pushed out of their basins and overwhelmed the continents and mountains. All civilization along the coasts were obliterated. 

But there were also global earthquakes. Volcanism at the plate boundaries in the polar regions and the cataclysmic flooding added melting polar ice to the mix. 

It took 40 days for the continents to sink enough that the flood waters got to the high elevation where Noah had built the ark before it began to float. (That's were the 40 days comes from.) No wonder Noah was ridiculed. He built the ark so far from the ocean that it seemed ludicrous. However, if he had built it on the coast he and his ark would have been dashed to pieces from the onslaught - which was the fate of all the other coastal cities and ships of the time.

It took a total of 150 days before the turmoil ceased and the waters began to abate. It took a full year from the time that Noah entered the ark to the time that the land had dried up enough to leave the ark - which was after the continents had resurfaced (in different positions, our current configuration). 

Jubilees 5:29
...the seventh month [as the flood subsided] all the mouths of the abysses of the earth were opened, and the water began to descend into the deep below. (If abysses = ocean basins; the risen sea floors returned to their original depths.)

If 70% of the earth's surface is water, it doesn't take much to realize that if the earth's crust were flat, our planet would be covered 100% by water. So it wasn't just rain. The continents were much closer together before the flood and then shifted to the current position after the flood. Ouch! It was NOT pretty.
But the dates don't match!

REASON TWO: Most people object to the comet/flood connection, because the dates don't align. But more and more I'm convinced that both young earth creationists and evolutionists have their dating wrong. Whether it was around 10,000 BC, 3000 BC or somewhere in between, it doesn't matter. Until we figure out how to accurately date, you must look at the patterns of evidence and the sequence of events relative to each other.

For example, the Greek historian, Herodotus, measured the layers of sediment along the Nile River deposited by the annual flooding and calculated that the earth was 5000 years old. However, what he actually calculated was the age of Noah's flood. Herodotus lived in the 5th century BC, so according to Herodotus's measurements, the age of the flood would have been around 5400 BC. That is within my above estimate.
What matters is that historical events occurr in the same sequence as the physical evidence

This is much like Tim Mahoney's "Patterns of Evidence: Exodus" and the archaeological evidence of the Israelite exodus.

In the video, he points out that the Egyptologists who claim the Exodus never occurred were looking in the wrong time period - the reign of Ramses II, which was during the New Kingdom. However, evidence of events at the end of the Middle Kingdom DO occur in the proper sequence to match the Bible. 

Be sure to watch it on Netflix or buy it from Amazon. It is fascinating. 

So, to sum up. The flood (with or without the aid of a comet) destroyed the known world, includinge the pre-flood civilization (Atlantis), the hunter-gatherer cultures scattered around the globe and the megafauna of the time (mammoths, giant sloths, wooly rhinoceros and saber-tooth tigers to name a few). 

Bent Seamount Chains

Another interesting bit of evidence is the fact that the seamounts in the Pacific have a radical bend in them. Meaning at one point in time something happened to change the direction of the Pacific plate's movement. During the most recent shift, the Pacific plate actually pivoted during all the turmoil then resumed its march after the shift. 

Most likely the mounts in the western legs such as the  Emperor chain were created during the run up to the most recent shift (pivot) and the Hawaiian seamounts were created during the calming down period after the shift. The movement then slowed to its current rate and the hotspot stabilized and cooled with the visible islands of Hawaii and the big island being the most recent result. That would make these islands less than 10,000 years old, not millions. 

Regular cataclysms

There have been several periodic extinction events since the beginning of Earth's creation and we shouldn't count on comets or asteroids to be the cause every time (Deus ex machina). I was willing to accept the one leaving the K-T boundary that killed off the dinosaurs as a lucky strike that arrived at the beginning of a continental shift, accelerating or exacerbating it. But two in a row? What are the odds? I really think we should be looking under our feet instead of to the sky for the answer. This regular occurrence is part of the natural inner workings of our planet.

Read about what it is here: What Is Cataclysmic Continental Shift?

And what causes it here: Cataclysmic Continental Shifts: What Causes It?

D. S. Allan and J. B. Delair, Cataclysm!: Compelling Evidence of a Cosmic Catastrophe in 9500 B.C. (Santa Fe: Bear & Co., 1995)
Naracoorte Caves May Hold World's Greatest Fossil Collection
Graham Hancock, Magicians of the Gods (?)
Younger Dryas climate event solved via nanodiamonds – it was a planetary impact event
Extraterrestrial impact caused Younger Dryas?
Candle flames contain millions of nanodiamonds (proposed super volcano)
The Exodus Decoded (Biblical Conspiracy Documentary) | Timeline (James Cameron's documentary using similar evidence as Tim Mahoney)
What was the Post-Flood Period? - Dr. Kurt Wise (Conf Lecture)
What's so Grand about the Grand Staircase? - Dr. Steve Austin